Women’s Health

At Elevation Health & Physiotherapy we are passionate about treating conditions unique to the female patient. In order to care for the whole woman throughout each stage of her life, we provide tailored health and physiotherapy solutions for:

Pelvic floor rehabilitation is a specialized field of physiotherapy designed to conservatively manage a range of pelvic floor conditions and pain. At Elevation Health & Physiotherapy, our specialized pelvic health therapists, provide personalized treatments to address each patient’s individual needs. In addition to treating symptoms our therapy is designed to educate patients and provide them with the ability to manage their conditions independently and to provide long term solutions.

Pregnancy and child-labour, place an increased demand on a mom’s body. Exercise during pregnancy increases physical endurance and muscle strength, especially in the hips, back, abdomen and pelvic floor. Improving these areas can prepare your body for the physically demanding event of having a baby and assist in your recovery after the delivery. At Elevation, our specialized pelvic health physiotherapists will work with you to create a balance of mobility and stability as well as lifestyle and home exercise adjustments that will help you sustain this balance throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

Incontinence is the lack of voluntary control over urination and may increase as we get older. It can occur at any time in your life and happens often during activities that increase abdominal pressures like coughing, lifting, jumping, running and laughing. Incontinence is manageable and most often treatable irrespective of your age or physical condition. At Elevation we design effective strategies, awareness techniques and pelvic floor exercises to maintain a healthy bladder and improve your quality of life.

Faecal incontinence or flatus incontinence can refer to problems such as unwanted passing of stool or gas. We understand the devastating effects that bowel issues can have on your quality of life. Our team of experienced Physiotherapists provides specialized treatment and rehabilitation solutions tailored to your needs.

During perimenopause reproductive hormones begin to decrease. This completely natural process often brings some unwanted symptoms, including weight gain, muscle loss, pelvic floor issues, and a decrease in bone strength. We specialize in helping women stay fit and maintain muscle strength through all the stages of their life. Let us support you at every stage, so you can enjoy all the activities you love.

You are not alone

1 in 2

pregnant women have back pain

1 in 3

women suffer with urinary incontinence

1 in 4

women suffer with symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse

1 in 5

women experience chronic pelvic or sexual pain

1 in 9

women suffer with feacal incontinence